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Britain's Bravest Manufacturing Company Launches

Britain's Bravest Manufacturing Company Launches

We're thrilled to be involved

Tags: Value - Corporate Social Responsibility

We were thrilled when Contracts Manager Hannah Papadopolous was invited to the launch of the Britain's Bravest Manufacturing Company (BBMC) by the RBLI.

The launch was held at the Houses of Parliament, in the Churchill Room, and was hosted by Tom Tugendhat, MP (ex-military). The speakers included Nick Elliott - MD of Network Rail's National Supply Chain (ex-military), Steve Sherry - Chief Exec of RBLI (ex-military), and three employees of 'Britain's Bravest Manufacturing Company'. 

Nick Elliott spoke about social responsibility, and how Network Rail are proud to support an enterprise such as BBMC. He expressed his personal appreciation of all the companies there who trade with BBMC, and encouraged those who didn't to look into what BBMC could offer. As ex-servicemen, he, Tom Tugendhat, and Steve Sherry all explained how close the cause was to their hearts, and how they knew many people who had needed similar support after leaving the military for whatever reason.

42% of their employees are ex-military, and over 70% have some form of disability or health condition. They also run the Royal British Legion village, which houses over 300 people with an ex-service connection, under the age of 65.

The employees spoke about how BBMC had turned their lives around, and offered them jobs and homes when they probably wouldn't have found employment elsewhere:

  • Anil was a Gurkha, who stepped on an IED at the age of 24 - with the help of RBLI he got treatment and a job, and went on to win gold in volleyball at the Invictus Games for England, and will be competing again in 2016.
  • Steve suffered back and leg injuries when on the Sir Galahad ship when it was bombed - on return to England he experienced difficulties in returning to civilian life. RBLI arranged surgery so he could walk again, and offered him a home in their village. He has now been with RBLI for 17 years, and is Manufacturing Supervisor.
  • Steve, is visually impaired, and found previous employers unwilling to take him on in any serious capacity, due to his limitations. He is now proud to have been with RBLI since 2003, and has lead tours, been part of big projects, and has a full time permanent role in the manufacturing factory.

Pictures L-to-R are Steve, Tom Tugendhat, Anil, Steve Sherry (back), Steve

At Unipart Rail we are proud that BBMC is one of our suppliers providing materials such as signage, which we provide to the rail industry.


About this author
Dave Tilmouth

Head of Marketing Communications

I'm Head of Marketing Communications for Unipart Rail, so I get to be involved in lots of exciting stuff across Traction & Rolling Stock, Infrastructure and road traffic. My colleagues know me as someone who has a perspective on everything, as well as being a bit of an extrovert!


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