The latest news from the Unipart Rail Group of Companies

Unipart Rail''s International Footprint

Unipart Rail''s International Footprint

Our activities around the world

Tags: Business News Value - Increased Performance Value - Optimised Cost

The international rail industry is not a homogenous sector. Each country – and even states within countries – has its own technology, approval mechanism and procurement rules.

So how is it possible to have an international footprint?

In Unipart Rail it’s about local knowledge combined with our supply chain and technology solutions. In each territory we have a team with the expertise needed for that country or a Joint Venture with a significant local business.

In Australia we have our Sydney office with a team of procurement and technology experts, supported from the UK with our supply chain expertise, helping the state’s railways improve their performance – such as our joint venture with UGL in maintaining the Sydney passenger fleet.

In SE Asia we have an office in Kuala Lumpur, and have delivered diagnostics and supply chain consultancy to a major Metro operator.

In the Middle East we have a Riyadh office and a Joint Venture with the Arabian Railway Company – bringing our Supply Chain expertise to the development of railways in the region.

Finally, in North America, after years of trading the Unipart Dorman range of road traffic products through a network of distributors, and the LED signals into Union Station, Toronto, we have now acquired Westcode Inc. to underpin our further expansion there during 2020.

With the new partnerships we are forming around the world we are also expanding our service and technology capabilities – ensuring that we have the capability to respond to technical and operational issues faced by our customers – wherever they are.

For more information on our global activities, click here.


Improved Performance, Reduced Risk, Optimised Cost.

About this author
Dave Tilmouth

Head of Marketing Communications

I'm Head of Marketing Communications for Unipart Rail, so I get to be involved in lots of exciting stuff across Traction & Rolling Stock, Infrastructure and road traffic. My colleagues know me as someone who has a perspective on everything, as well as being a bit of an extrovert!


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