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Unipart Dorman provide Signal & Structure Renewals for Network Rail’s LNE Route

Unipart Dorman provide Signal & Structure Renewals for Network Rail’s LNE Route

Delivering value through increased performance, optimised costs, increased safety and reduced risk

Tags: Collaborative Working Innovative Solutions Product Solutions Signalling Technology & Product Solutions Unipart Dorman Value - High Levels of Safety Value - Optimised Cost Value - Reduced Risk

Network Rail, LNE Route, identified a number of signals and structures that they wanted to replace. There were multiple challenges involved with this and the change out needed to be cost effective, so that the operational benefits, gained over the life of the new signal and structure, would provide a low life cycle cost.

The route team identified the key factors that would meet the challenge and the Unipart Dorman integrated Lightweight Signal (iLS) with the Assisted Lift Trunnion (ALT) was identified, as it provided all the required needs.

£11,000 in whole life benefits costs is the estimated savings when installing a new iLS structure. This achievement is by reducing the maintenance regimes and an annual saving of £750 per signal per annum. LNE have used Dorman’s products and services to replace over 20 signals and structures per annum, utilising the Maintenance and Minor Works team. The replacement programme, uses fold-down structures could increase by 50% with the launch of the Heavy Duty Assisted Lift Trunnion later in 2019, which will allow them to replace larger, more complex signal heads. A 40% cost saving when renewing traditional signal structures to Dorman fold-down signal solution. A 60% (utilising existing base) and a 30% (new base) reduction in changeover time for signal and structure installation has allowed the LNE route to handover all possessions on time. Furthermore, the solution reduces Health and Safety risk to workers as they will reduce lineside track time and working at height.

Learn more about iLS here, the Assisted Lift Trunnion here and read our full case study to further understand how Network Rail are benefiting from our signal and structure renewals.

Visit for more information.

We will also be at RIN Derby on 5th September 2019


About this author
Lydia Tilt

Marketing Manager

I am Marketing Manager at Unipart Rail, supporting Unipart Dorman in both the rail and traffic sectors as well as Park Signalling. In my spare time I love to travel and immerse myself into different languages and cultures.


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