The latest news from the Unipart Rail Group of Companies

Create and maintain a sustainable rail network for the future

Create and maintain a sustainable rail network for the future

In order to have the ability to create and maintain a sustainable rail network for the future, it is important to source and implement solutions that reduce negative impacts on the environment.

A recent article in “EnviroTec Magazine” has demonstrated the impact that spills and planned discharge on railway facilities can cause. This includes an enormous harm to the environment and long-term health hazards as well as damage to the railway infrastructure and potential legislative actions. In addition, the costs and reputational damage caused can be very expensive and in some cases irrecoverable - you can even be prosecuted!

The TrackPan system, manufactured within our supply chain partnership and made to approved standards for the industry, offers protection by collecting fluids and substances and then transferring them to a proper waste treatment system. It is a proven method of collection of fluids to meet today's exacting environmental legislation and stop ground contamination that can lead to prosecution and fines. 

Compared with traditional steel and concrete applications, our solution provides an inexpensive and flexible alternative which is guaranteed for 25 years.

By using TrackPan, our customers can significantly reduce the risk of costly clean-ups and regulatory fines as well as reducing negative environmental impacts.

The TrackPan system has already been fitted at Aberdeen, Inverness, Glasgow Cadder, Heaton, Chingford, Wigan, Exeter, Oxley, Sheffield and Newton Heath. Systems are also in the process of being fitted at Clacton and Feltham.

Read our Case Study to understand how the rail industry has benefitted frm our solution.

Read our full article in the latest edition of the Railway News Magazine here.


Adding Value with CSR, Safety, Increased Performance, Delivered Innovation, Optimised Costs and Reduced Risk.


About this author
Laura Bennett

Marketing Communications Manager

I am the Marketing Communications Manager for Unipart Rail based across Crewe and Doncaster. I cover both Traction & Rolling Stock and Infrastructure so my role is extremely varied and interesting which I love! I am passionate about Marketing and Digital and am always on the lookout for new ideas, innovations and technologies.


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