The latest news from the Unipart Rail Group of Companies

Could your Assets Live Forever?

Could your Assets Live Forever?

Could you assets live forever? It’s unlikely that they will - but we can certainly make sure that they can remain in-service for the maximum possible time, and operate fully and safely. And this applies not just to individual assets, but complete systems too.

There are 4 key elements to managing and extending your assets' lives:

  1. Be aware of their condition. Visual inspections are a traditional way, but the fitting of Instrumentel sensors and Park Signalling remote monitoring equipment will give you real time, continuous data on their performance and early signs of failure.
  2. Have a plan for maintenance. For good reason, many assets use periodicity is the traditional way, using MTBF to calculate preventive interventions, but this can lead to massive investment in unnecessary support, as well as service interruptions. But do you have assets that could have maintenance based on the actual condition?

  3. Ensure that you have a ‘float’ of materials available to minimise service disruption.

  4. Have a trusted partner on-board to manage the whole process.

Sensor Technology

Our sensors embedded in your assets can also provide the data you need to monitor their performance and also to identify when off-target performance could lead to future failure - enabling targeted maintenance.

Technical Competence

A partner with wide ranging capability across Signalling & Traffic Management, Infrastructure and Traction & Rolling stock is essential to ensure that you have the go-to resource for serving, overhaul and repair. 

Unipart Rail could be the partner you need as we have dedicated technical centres for each of these elements, as well as managing a huge base of suppliers and partners. 

With companies like Park Signalling, Westcode, Instrumentel and Unipart Dorman being part of Unipart Rail, we have the capability, skills - and the rail knowledge - to help you manage your assets’ life extension.

Read more here.

   Optimised Costs, Improved Performance, Reduced Risk

About this author
Dave Tilmouth

Head of Marketing Communications

I'm Head of Marketing Communications for Unipart Rail, so I get to be involved in lots of exciting stuff across Traction & Rolling Stock, Infrastructure and road traffic. My colleagues know me as someone who has a perspective on everything, as well as being a bit of an extrovert!


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