The latest news from the Unipart Rail Group of Companies

It’s not rocket’s space engineering!

It’s not rocket’s space engineering!

Unipart Rail has the solution.


Working in partnership with specialist engineers Ferrartis Group Ltd, Unipart Rail has the ability to identify and build holistic solutions for storage and transit requirements that will reduce costs, space and environmental impact.


The Ferrartis team have decades of experience in the rail industry. The company has overseen vehicle builds, managed complex civil engineering projects and created bespoke solutions for depot, track and station installations both in the UK and internationally for customers including Alstom, Bombardier, Hitachi and Siemens.


Combined with Unipart Rail’s in-depth industry knowledge and the engineering expertise of Ferrartis Group Ltd, together we can provide a unique solution to tackle everyday problems faced by rail depots.


With an agile project team, ideas can be created, developed and prototyped in just a few weeks with the final solution being available for manufacture in significantly reduced timescales compared to traditional engineering development processes.


The benefits


  • Reduction of storage and transit space, environmental impact and costs

  • Increased asset safety and protection

  • Optimisation of the end to end journey with short term pay-backs

  • Localised manufacture option to reduce transit costs


Our solutions provide tangible operational, logistical and financial savings for the storage and transportation of components for rail operators. Examples of savings made for our customers include:


  • 100% security of shipment

  • 50% reduction in transportation costs

  • 50% saving of storage space

  • 20% reduction in processing time



No storage space? No problem. In addition to our innovative product solutions, we can also provide dedicated storage space for our customers equipment at our state of the art storage facility in Normanton, further reducing space and achieving greater cost savings.

Our customers are already experiencing the benefits of this dynamic, world-first innovation- visit to find out more. For more inspiration, read our latest article in the Rail Technology Magazine here:

About this author
Dave Tilmouth

Head of Marketing Communications

Als Head of Marketing Communications bei Unipart Rail habe ich mit spannenden Themen wie Rollmaterial, Infrastruktur und Straßenverkehr zu tun. Meine Kollegen kennen mich als jemanden, der gern seine Meinung sagt und eher extrovertiert daherkommt. In meiner Freizeit versuche ich, im Fitnessstudio etwas für meine Gesundheit zu tun (zumindest manchmal), gehe aber auch gern ins Theater oder Kino (wesentlich öfter) und schätze gutes Essen.


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