The latest news from the Unipart Rail Group of Companies

Driving Innovation with SMEs

Driving Innovation with SMEs

Great ideas and innovation can rise quickly ….. but fail spectacularly. Failure that can be mitigated through provision of proper route-to-market support targeted at smaller companies that would ordinarily have no other way to access customers or markets.

UKRRIN was established to drive new innovation into the rail industry and specifically to provide support for the SME community. It was designed to create powerful collaboration between academia and industry, aiming to provide a step-change in innovation in the sector and accelerate new technologies and products from research into market applications globally.

Through the four Centres of Excellence, UKRRIN draws through excellence in Innovation and emerging technology and aligns academia, SMEs and the market to provide the progression of innovation development and, crucially, provide a route to market through established supply channels.

Whilst the technology Centres of Excellence are provided by the University of Birmingham (Digital), University of Southampton (Infrastructure), University of Huddersfield (Rolling Stock) and testing centres (Network Rail) around the country, the Route to Market development being provided by Unipart Rail support by other key UKRRIN stakeholders.

As a founding member of UKRRIN, our role is to become involved in identifying new technologies as they develop within academia and the supply chain to provide guidance on taking these technologies to a commercially viable supply proposition. This approach draws upon on our wide-ranging expertise across the industry in rolling stock, infrastructure and signalling to provide a manufacturing & distribution channel to industrialise concepts and market them to the rail industry.

UKRRIN will also result in further technologies emerging to digitise existing systems, and deliver efficiencies and increased reliability right across the industry.

So if you would benefit from our technical capabilities to take a new innovation to market, let us know.

Read more about UKRRIN here.

Read more about our route to market here.



Increased Innovation, Improved Performance, Reduced Risk, Optimised Cost, Increased Digital

About this author
Dave Tilmouth

Head of Marketing Communications

I'm Head of Marketing Communications for Unipart Rail, so I get to be involved in lots of exciting stuff across Traction & Rolling Stock, Infrastructure and road traffic. My colleagues know me as someone who has a perspective on everything, as well as being a bit of an extrovert!


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