The latest news from the Unipart Rail Group of Companies

Park Signalling Product on Tour

Park Signalling Product on Tour

Park Signalling and Rivval Ltd have recently travelled to Dublin and the famous Inchicore Railway Works, to demonstrate the MT04 Solid State Interlocking (SSI) replacement Technician’s Terminal to Irish Rail.

Simply known as Inchicore or “The Works” in railway circles, the site was founded by the Great Southern & Western Railway in 1846 and has emerged to become the major engineering centre for railways in Ireland.

The MT04 Technician’s Terminal was connected to an SSI cubical under test and supervised conditions, using software provided by Irish Rail prior to the demonstration. This then allowed the functionality and capabilities of the product to be fully exercised and demonstrated in front of Irish Rail senior signalling and telecommunications engineers and managers.

Ian James Allison, Business Development Director for Park Signalling said “Our visit to Inchicore has allowed us to demonstrate and discuss our range of SSI equipment and tools, along with other products such as DiBloC (Digital Token Machine) with our approved supplier Rivval Ltd, to the engineers and managers who have responsibility to maintain the Irish Rail network on a daily basis.”

The MT04 Technician’s Terminal has been developed using standard Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components and is directly compatible at all the electrical and data interfaces and replicates the feel and functionality of all original and existing equipment. Additionally, USB pen drives have been provided for event logging and event data recovery in a controlled manner. This product is approved to be used on Network Rail Infrastructure.

If you would like more information about Park Signalling, visit our website here or get in touch here




About this author
Lydia Tilt

Marketing Manager

I am Marketing Manager at Unipart Rail, supporting Unipart Dorman in both the rail and traffic sectors as well as Park Signalling. In my spare time I love to travel and immerse myself into different languages and cultures.


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